An app for Health & Wellness practitioners and health seekers around the globe.
Limoverse empower people to take charge of their health and wellness using Personalized Lifestyle Management, which is called HEALTH 5.0
This is a virtual meeting point for Health & Wellness practitioners/ institutions and health seekers from around the world. A totally decentralized ecosystem, where the practitioners and Health Seekers collectively govern the community. This entire ecosystem runs on a native Utility Token LIMO.
Limoverse projects:
1. HEALTHFi - Walk, jog or run and earn your rewards on a daily basis.
2. MODIFi - Be part of our personalized wellness program called EPLIMO (Epigenetic Lifestyle Modification) and start earning for maintaining your health on a daily basis.
3. PARTNERVERSE - Health & wellness practitioners and institutions can be part of Limoverse where they can offer their products/services/knowledge to the entire community.
4. CREATFi - This is for the creator economy. Creators can create and share their valuable contents and get rewarded.
5. DATAFi - Share your health data with research companies/institutions inside the LIMOVERSE ecosystem and get rewarded.
6. GAMEFi - Create your avatar, play and win the games inside LIMOVERSE and get rewarded. (Launching in 2023)
7. METAFi - Do your exercise and various health practices in the metaverse which is a 5D experience. (Launching in 2023)"